we grow certified organic plants and produce in East Montpelier, Vermont.


Cate Farm grows a wide variety of certified organic herb, flower, and vegetable starts for home gardeners. We constantly trial new varieties, and appreciate any suggestions you may have.

In the Greenhouse




We grow greenhouse tomatoes during the summer months. We sell these to local stores as well as select days at the farm.


We grow a small variety of early spring bunched greens for sale to local markets. 

Burdock Root

Due to the severe floods in July of 2023, we sustained a major loss of our burdock crop and currently do not have any available. Please check back this summer for updates on our fall 2024 harvest. We’re hoping for a great growing season this year!

Cate Farm considers burdock one of our specialties- we have been cultivating it since 1985!

There are two main species of burdock- wild burdock, Arctium minus, and Japanese or Giant burdock Arctium lappa. We cultivate only the Japanese variety Arctium lappa for its roots (fresh and dried) and for its seed. Wild crafted burdock is most likely Arctium minus.

Most people know burdock from the velcro-like burrs that attach to one’s clothing or canines. Burdock is a biennial: seeded in spring, the plant produces a long taproot and large foliage, but no seed. In the second year, the taproot’s energy is used to produce a seed stalk and ‘burrs’. While burdock seed is harvested in the fall of the second year, the root is harvested in the fall of the first year, or overwintered and dug early the next spring.


We plant burdock in fertile soils amended with compost and rock minerals. The long roots are harvested by hand after loosening the soil with a tractor pulled blade. It is hard work, but satisfying- especially when you pull out a two and a half foot root! The roots are thoroughly  washed in a tumbler washer before packing fresh or cutting up for drying.

Burdock has long been used in Asian and macrobiotic cuisine. Medicinally, it has been used as a blood purifier and for skin disorders, among other uses. Burdock root is a main component in the Essiac formula.

Try slicing fresh roots for use in soups, stir-fry, or tea. Burdock is also great roasted or steamed. Try juicing it with carrots and beets. Burdock also makes a potent tincture.


Hunger Mountain Co-op      Seedlings and Produce

On Farm Plant Sales Fridays & Saturdays, May through June 1st

Bragg Farm                            Fresh tomatoes

Deep Root Organic Co-op    Produce (Burdock Root)

Plainfield Hardware               Fresh tomatoes