Getting Ready for Spring!

We're hiring for Spring Greenhouse Crew!

We’ve made it 'round the seasons once again! Through the early spring days of warm seedling greenhouses, to the lush jungle environment of the tomato houses in the heat of the summer. The cold is sinking in and the greenhouses have been put to rest for the winter. 

We want to say a big thank you to everyone for your support last year! 2023 made its mark for growers all over this region with endless rain and flood waters that wreaked havoc on the livelihoods of many. We’ve managed to clean up from the high waters; mucked out the basement of the barn, cleaned implements & replaced gear oil, pushed piles of driftwood and removed silt laden landscape fabric and damaged plastic from the flooded greenhouse. Unfortunately we sustained losses of our burdock crop, but are very thankful to have had a successful seedling and tomato season. 

The greenhouse in the lower field that suffered flood damage is in its skeleton form until we replace the plastic this winter. When we ’re-skin’ (a fancy term for replacing the plastic) a greenhouse, it is ideal to expose the soil to the elements and allow some rain, snow and direct sun to soak into the soil before covering. So on a windless, warm day in February we will tackle monkeying around the bows and purlins to cover this greenhouse for next season's tomatoes.

We are seeking hard working employees for our robust spring seedling season, April through mid June. If you know anyone who may be a good fit for our spring greenhouse crew please refer them to our Employment Page and have them reach out to us. Thanks for helping to spread the word!

We look forward to seeing you in the spring!


Flint & the Cate Farm Crew

Surviving The Flood

Thankfully our tomato greenhouses are located high enough that they were not affected by the flood so we still have plenty of ripe tomatoes! They are available at Hunger Mountain Coop, Bragg Farm, Plainfield Hardware and Fox Market. We offer on farm sales of seconds, or ‘B Grade’ tomatoes on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 1 pm - 5 pm. These pre-weighed 10 pound flats are $20 per flat, cash or check only.

Tomato Trot 5K

The flood waters that reached the farm on July 11th broke any records we have witnessed and gave us pause. I woke to the sound of water beneath my floor on Tuesday morning. The water had risen so high that the basement of the barn was submerged, and we feel very lucky that our living spaces and other farm outbuildings were spared.

We have lost our field crop of burdock root, my personal garden of peppers and giant pumpkins in the lower field greenhouse (alas, I will not be making my usual hot sauce nor entering my pumpkins in the state fair), and the folks’ garden in the lower field. The barn basement and all its contents are covered in silt and we have begun the cleanout process. Richard’s tennis court got hit pretty hard as well. Wizbledon is postponed until the court has recovered.

The Tomato Trot 5K is still on for August 12th! Early bird rates if you register before August 1st. Click the button below for more info.

We hope you have weathered all this water without too much damage. 

Flint & the Cate Farm Crew


Tomato Trot 5K