There’s something satisfying about getting your hands in the soil.
— E.A. Bucchianeri

Now Hiring full time Greenhouse Production Crew and temporary seasonal crew.

Full Time Greenhouse Crew:

Cate Farm in East Montpelier, VT is seeking hard working employees for our robust spring seedling season, April through mid June. The season is short and sweet but the greenhouses are one of the nicest places to be in the early spring months here in VT! Job duties include, but are not limited to; seeding, transplanting, moving plants, picking bunched greens and working our on farm seedling sales in May. 

The ideal candidate is detail oriented and quick with their hands. This job is for our seedling production season and could be perfect for someone in between jobs or has with a flexible work schedule. Please reach out with a letter of interest and a resume to catefarmvt@gmail.com.

Temporary Seasonal Crew:

Cate Farm has a need for temporary workers to help harvest & weed. Generally, we hire 5-8 people for a few days each month to get big blocks of work done quickly. We maintain a phone list of interested workers and call when work is available.

Because of weather, the timing of work is not certain, so we can’t pinpoint when work crews will take place. Usually, we need help for a week in late April, a week in early June, a week in mid July, and for 2-3 weeks in late September/early October for fall harvest. If you would like to be put on the phone list, email us at catefarmvt@gmail.com

Thanks for your interest in working at Cate Farm.