Summer Squash

On Farm Sales Only

Summer Squash

from $4.10

Summer Squash and Zucchini come in 3.5” pots and 4 Packs.

Dark Green Zucchini - This dark green zucchini is perfect for home gardeners with superior flavor and excellent yields. Firm, tender flesh with small seed cavities, best picked at 6”. Wonderful thinly sliced, salted and used as a noodle substitute.

Romanesco Zucchini - (60 days) Open Pollinated. Deeply striped and ribbed, Romanesco resembles Cocozelle Zucchini, with a distinctive sweet mildly nutty flavor. Also a productive source for tasty male squash blossoms and good for stuffing even when the fruits get way oversized.

Yellow Squash - This straight-necked variety is early with prolific production of glossy-skinned fruits, straight necks and excellent flavor.

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