Morning Glories
On Farm Sales Only
Morning Glories
Morning Glories and Moonflowers come in 3.5” Pots
Flying Saucers - Huge 6” blooms are pure white with bright blue stripes! Spectacular sums it up. It even blooms in cooler weather, perfect for Vermont! height 108”
Grandpa Ott - This Morning Glory is an old fashioned favorite, a vigorous climber displaying large, deep-violet-blue blooms with magenta veins. height 72-100”
Heavenly Blue - The heavenly blue morning glory is an old time favorite, sky-blue blooms with heart shaped foliage. height 120-180”
Moon Flower - Beautiful 5-6” blossoms that open at sunset releasing on of the most fragrant perfumes in the summer garden. 8-12 ft. Tall
Scarlett O’Hara - A favorite morning glory with spectacular large 4” blooms of wine-red. 10 Ft vines.